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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Board of Elections

Geauga County Board of Elections (BOE) -  08/15/2022

Meeting Info: Special Meeting on August 15, 2022 at 1:00 pm in BOE Conference Room at 470 Center St, Bldg 6A, Chardon, OH, 44024.  In-person and virtual, via Microsoft Teams.  This observer participated virtually but had internet issues and joined the meeting at 1:34pm.


Agenda: an agenda was provided in advance.

Attendance: Present were Board members Dennis Pavella, Joan Windnagel, Janet Carson and Ed Ryder and staff members Director Michelle Lane and Office Administrator Scott Daisher. Deputy Director Nora McGinnis was absent. Board Counsel Corey Colombo of McTigue Colombo & Clinger joined virtually at 3:50pm, just prior to Executive Session.

County staff included ADP staff Andy Haines and Zach McLeod. Susan Hagan, a representative from the Ashtabula Democratic Party, was present in-person and online guests included Mrs. McArthur, Mr. Everett and Mrs. Gingerich.

Call to Order - did not witness.

Minutes - did not witness.

Bills -did not witness.

Campaign Finance Reports - did not witness.

ADP Update - representatives Andy Haines and Zach McLeod provided updates about:  

  • Bluespark quote for purchase, configuration and installation of firewall equipment at a cost of $31,650.  Although BOE will not move before the end of the year, ADP encourages purchase of equipment now to avoid supply chain issues.  Equipment can be installed at other locations if BOE ultimately does not move into the new Administration Building.  Board approved purchase of equipment with configuration and installation decision pending.

  • County Commissioners have not approved the cell booster system that ADP recommended to improve cell phone service at the new County Administration building.

  • Re: the disputed control over the key card system in the new Administration Building, ADP authorized legal action against the County Commissioners should mediation efforts with the Ohio Supreme Court fail.  See ADP press release.

  • The group discussed options for serving curbside voters from the basement location at the back of the building.  BOE needs a way to monitor when someone needs service as there is no window from the offices to the back parking lot.


Steps to Certify August 2, 2022 Primary Election

  1. Examined “10 Day” absentee ballot envelopes - reviewed 17 envelopes arriving between Aug 1 and Aug 12 to determine validity.  7 with non-fatal issues were accepted and 10 that were postmarked Aug 2 or later were rejected.

  2. Examined Provisional Ballots -  15 examined.

    1. 10 provisional ballots that were cast on election day were examined and determined to be compliant. Reasons included an absentee ballot that was never received or voted, changes of address within the county, valid Ohio registration outside of county with confirmation received they had not voted outside of Geauga and name changes.

    2. 5 additional provisional ballots were individually examined with 1 rejected for failure to provide valid id (drivers license had expired), 2 rejected for mistakenly voting both absentee and provisional ballots, 1 where street address was transposed but board was able to ascertain identify of voter and 1 where poll worker erred by concluding 3 spoilt ballots had been cast by the voter when only 2 ballots were spoilt.

  3. Examined “Fleeing Voters” ballots - 2 ballots were rejected when voters left before their ballots had been accepted by the scanner.  Per Secretary of State directive, such ballots cannot be submitted by a bipartisan team - they must be rejected.

  4. A bipartisan team gathered the examined ballots and began processing the additional approved ballots to the preliminary results.

  5. Board approved payment of up to $42,500 in payroll expenses for the August 2, 2022 primary election.

  6. Passed motion to conduct the post election audit of the August 2, 2022 primary election on Tuesday, Aug 23 at 10am

  7. Scott Daisher produced a report of final election results which the Board approved.

Preparations for November 8, 2022 General Election

  1. Director Lane reported that the poll worker rolls exceed 2,200 people and that the current process for recruiting, training and assigning poll workers left many valued volunteers feeling disgruntled.  Some of their most experienced, valuable poll workers are not being called upon to work.  She recommends revising communications and processes to address poll worker dissatisfaction and to bring the roster of volunteers to a more manageable size.  Board approves motion.

  2. Preliminary ballot order approved.

  3. 4 changes in polling location were approved.  Affected voters will be notified by mail: 

    1. City of Chardon C&D return to Heritage House 

    2. Mayfield precincts return  to Mayfield Church 

    3. Munson Elementary voters return to either the” Y” or NDCL and 

    4. Berkshire Board of Education voters return to Old Berkshire School.

99th Ohio House Actions:

  1. Susan Hagan, representative for the Ashtabula Democratic Party, presented a withdrawal letter from Abigail Kovacs, who the Board had previously certified as a candidate for this race.  The board voted unanimously to accept the withdrawal.

  2. Janet Carson, representing a committee of the Ashtabula and Geauga Democratic Parties, presented a Certification of Selection of Candidate to Fill Party Nomination for consideration by the Board.  After review of legal opinions and a recent  Secretary of State Directive, the Board voted unanimously to certify Kathleen Ann Zappitello as the Democratic candidate for the 99th Ohio House race.

Executive Session - at 3:55 pm, the Board entered executive session under ORC 121.22(G)(3) to conference with the Board’s legal counsel concerning pending litigation.

This observer did not rejoin the meeting following the executive session and it is unclear whether action was taken after re-entering regular session.  It is unknown when the Board adjourned.  


A Special Meeting to conduct the post-election audit is scheduled for August 23, 2022 at 10am. 

Approved Board minutes are shared online through May 3, 2022 here:

See BOE social media posts:

Observer Comment: Virtual meeting information via Microsoft Teams is available on the BOE home page. BOE does not include public comment on their agenda but is generally willing to hear concerns and provide clarification.

Observer: Shelly Lewis

Editor:Betsy Kubbins  

Reviewer:  Gail Roussey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at


League of Women Voters of Geauga