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ADP Board

Geauga County ADP Board – Special Meeting 07/20/2022

Meeting Details: The Automated Data Processing Board (ADP) met in special session on July 20, 2022 at 9AM in the Appraisal Office at 231 Main Street, Suite 1A, Chardon, OH. Virtual access was available via Microsoft Teams. The Agenda was provided in advance along with documents supporting the main agenda items.

Board members present in person:

  • Chuck Walder - Auditor/Chief Admin

  • Joe Cattell - Engineer

  • Scott Hildenbrand - Sheriff

  • Jim Flaiz - County Prosecutor

  • Jim Dvorak, County Commissioner

  • Michelle Lane – BOE Director

  • Nora McGinnis – BOE Deputy Director

  • Caroline Mansfield, Treasurers Office

  • Celesta Mullins, County Recorder

ADP Staff present in person:

  • Frank Antenucci - Chief Deputy Admin ADP

  • Andy Haines, ADP

  • Pam McMahon - Fiscal Office Manager

  • Ron Leyde – Chief Deputy Auditor

  • Zach McLeod, ADP

  • Mike Adams, ADP

Others present in person:

  • Gerry Morgan, County Administrator

  • Tammy McClintock, Supervisor, Clerk of Courts office

  • Laura LaChapelle, Assistant Prosecutor

  • Diane Jones

  • Steve Oluic, Water Resources

  • Mike Kurzinger, Water Resources

  • Anastasia Nicholas, Chagrin Valley Times

 Virtual attendees:

  • Chuck Walder – Auditor/Chief Admin.

  • Scott Daisher, BOE

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:00AM. 

Minutes: The ADP Board approved minutes for the March 15, 2022 meeting.

Equipment List/Purchases: The Board approved the ADP Equipment List and Purchases for May 1 – June 30, 2022

Contracts/Agreements:They approved several agenda items with little or no discussion:

Approval of ADP Great Lakes Computer Corp. Backup/Disaster Recovery

Approval of Commissioners Illuminati Labs LLC Cellular DAS for GCOB – This will boost cell phone signals throughout the entire new county building.

Approval of Common Pleas CourtView Annual Support

Approval of Common Pleas SHI/Equivant/Vista Server Rehost Project

Approval of Sheriffs Kinetic Business by Windstream 911 Circuits

Water Resources Spectrum Services at McFarland Plant: One additional agenda item for approval was tabled until September. This contract would provide internet services for devices at the plant and could facilitate the necessary security controls required when equipment is online. However more needs to be known about the devices before approving this contract. According to ADP staff, Water Resources (WR) never provided the appropriate review (schema) of the systems at the plant that was requested by ADP. One terminal in particular was found to have activity on the internet, when this terminal was not supposed to be connected to the internet. ADP is concerned that incidents like this could leave the county systems vulnerable to cyber-attacks. A motion was approved, not on the agenda, that will permit ADP to contract with an outside company, Dragos, to perform this review. Cost not to exceed $49,900.

Water Resources IT Integration with ADP: There was extensive discussion and back and forth between ADP staff and representatives from the WR department. According to an email exchange that was provided prior to this meeting, WR IT systems were to be integrated with other county IT systems once WR moved into the new county building. The two sides (ADP and WR) disagreed about what transpired in recent days, who was responsible, etc. Some of the problems occurred when the McFarland plant had to be taken offline over the weekend because the monitoring systems malfunctioned. WR claimed they no longer had access to their systems at McFarland to fix the problem, while ADP said this was not the case. The problems were eventually fixed and the plant was back online Sunday.

Next regular meeting: September 13, 2022 at 2PM

More Information about ADP:

Minutes: ation=0-15

Virtual Meeting Information: contact Pamela McMahan at Observer note: ADP meets in a typical conference room and mask use is not common.

Observer: Nina Lalich

Editor: Betsy Kubbins

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy.  They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties.  Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga