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Geauga County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board

LWV Geauga Observer Corps | Published on 6/15/2022

Geauga County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board – June 15, 2022

Meeting Details: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 6 pm at the Board Administrative Offices located 

at 13244 Ravenna Road, Chardon, Ohio 44024. This meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chair Malainey. 


Attendance: Mrs. Chokshi called the roll. Attending in person were Chair Jennifer Malainey, 

Vice Chair Steven Oluic, Secretary Alberta Chokshi and board members Ann Bagley, Marty Fay, 

Dr. Vanessa Jensen, Kathy Johnson, Linda Miller, Mary Ruth Shumway, Treasurer Michael Petruziello , Walter ‘Skip’ Claypool, Jimmy Lee Holden and Gregory J. O’Brien. 

Dr. Carolee Lesyk was not present at the start of the meeting.  She arrived at approximately 6:50 p.m. 


Staff Members attending in person included Jim Mauser, Finance Director and Teresa Slater, 

Secretary/Receptionist. No Director or Interim Director was present. Reviewer Note: local media reported that Interim Director Aimie Martin-D’Arienzo resigned prior to the June 6, 2022 Special Meeting.  No other staff were present.   


Agenda: An agenda was available and included six action items: 

I. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance


II. Minutes - Approval of minutes from May 25, 2022 meeting.  Ms. Slater stated that several grammatical errors were corrected and the Board approved the minutes. 


III. Chairwoman’s Report – Ms. Malainey referred to an educational day for the Board to learn more about mental health and recovery.  Ms. Shumway to facilitate; seeking another board member to assist.  


IV.  Interim Director Interim Report –reference was made to a written report being submitted.  No discussion or questions.  Reviewer note: unclear who prepared this report, as news media reported previously that Interim Director Aimee resigned.  The board made no announcements concerning her employment at the June 6, 2022 meeting.


V.  Committee Reports 

Agency Relations – no report 

Finance – there was a budget hearing last week and there are resolutions on the agenda for the current meeting. 

Planning and Policy – No report 

Housing – There is a need to set up a meeting with the Commissioners and the Housing Committee.  There is a need to establish a special fund to allocate funds for housing.  Jim Mauser to propose in future. 


VI.  Board Review and Action Items 

a.  Resolution 22-06-1 – Request for Reduction for one year in the collection of .25 Millage from the .50 Millage set forth in the Behavioral Health Care Levy.  Looking at funds carried over for housing as there is a need in the County.  Mr. Claypool stated that no decisions on housing will be made until next year.  In the meantime, the money should go back to the taxpayers until there is a plan.  

Dr. Jensen suggested a grant writer to address this issue.  Better to renew the levy than a new levy. 

This renewal has already been passed by the Board, according to Mr. Mauser.  The renewal requires two resolutions from Geauga County Commissioners and one from the Auditor and then to the Board of Elections. 

 Mr. Claypool stated that there is no definition of what housing is.  The Board needs to understand what the need is.  We are taking more tax dollars than we need.  Maybe reduce the levy.   

Vote on Resolution 22-06-1.  Resolution passes. 

b. Resolution 22-06-2 Mobile Crisis and Crisis Response Funding Allocation. Mr. Petruziello asked what the 12 step program is and was told it is for Alcoholics Anonymous.  He then asked if the Board currently has that and whether that is what this Resolution was for.  He was advised that this is for the Mobile Crisis team that goes into homes and schools.  Dr. Jensen explained that when an individual has a mental health crisis at any time this unit is available.  Mr. Claypool wants to identify what types of crises this money is for.  Mr. Holden stated that this Mobile Crisis is called so that law enforcement does not have to get involved.  Dr. Jensen clarified that this is for times when an individual is out of control and may need a bed so they can get help.  This is for coordination of crisis services.  Ravenwood staff explained the nature of the services including when an individual dies unexpectedly.  Mr. Claypool stated that if Mr. Holden is supporting it he will support it.  Mr. Oluic reminded Mr. Claypool that the report on the Mobile Crisis went out over a week prior.

Resolution passed unanimously. 


c.  Resolution 22-06-3 Evidence Based Prevention Funding for SFY2023.  Mr. Petruziello stated that he had a problem allocating funds to go into schools to speak with 5-8 year olds about issues that are parent issues. He asked how can a child who cannot read understand what a mental health issue is?  He needs to see the programs because the parents need to educate children on behavior.  He wants to know if anyone would let their child be “indoctrinated” by someone they don’t know.  He was advised that parents have to give permission for their children to participate.  Mr. Petruziello asked what kind of parent would allow that?  Ms. Shumway stated that the Board is responsible for mental wellness as well as mental illness.  Ms. Johnson noted the programs are tied to SEL and requested that the Board table this Resolution to get a better idea of what is being covered.  Reviewer’s note: SEL stands for “social emotional learning.”  


Dr. Jensen requested that Mr. Petruziello not use the word “indoctrinate,” as nobody is introducing them into a cult.  It is about teaching parents what is normal development.  Catholic Charities staff explained that the program uses puppets and teaches about anger, conflict resolution and how to be a good friend.  It keeps children from being suspended when they attend school.  Ms. Miller advised that anyone can go and observe the program.  The program is at least 10 years old.  Ms. Bagley stated that tabling this could result in a 2 month delay since the Board generally does not meet in July.  Mr. Mauser stated that this Resolution is an expansion of the program.   


Mr. Petruziello requested a list of the parents who signed off on this program and was told he could not have that information.  He wants parents to contact him to explain why this is beneficial for them.  Mr. Petruziello does not understand how a five year old can have a mental health issue.  Ms. Shumway explained that this is to intervene early to prevent behaviors which appear in children with mental health issues.  Dr. Jensen explained that in her practice she sees 3-5 year olds with mental health issues.  Some have been kicked out of 4 or 5 daycares.  Ms. Chokshi stated that dealing with behaviors at a young age, you can avoid the progression that occurs without treatment. Ms. Bagley stated that this program is very highly regarded.  Ms. Chokshi stated that children's behaviors can occur at a very early age and if help isn’t provided, some of those kids are lost. 

Mr. Petruziello stated that we now have more mental health issues than we have ever had in the “history of America,” and he believes some of these programs are causing these issues to grow.  We are systemically doing something wrong.  


Mr. Claypool has raised 5 kids, has 10 grandkids and agrees with Mr. Petruziello.  He believes that children's problems are attributable to the fact that the parents have problems.  All children act out.  Ms. Shumway stated that Mr. Claypool is lucky to have healthy children, but children do have mental health issues, and parents want to find help for their children.  They are asking for help.   


Dr. Jensen stated that she is disturbed by the fact that certain people on the Board seem to disregard the vast experience of some of the clinicians on the Board simply because they have grandchildren.  Dr. Jensen stated that Mr. Petruziello had previously made a statement that we have all these mental health issues because women no longer stay home and take care of the children.    She stated that she is personally offended by that remark.  “To blame working women for the mental health problems in this County is inappropriate.”   Reviewer note: Mr. Petruziello’s comment is documented in the minutes of the 4/13/22 Agency Relations Committee meeting.


Vote to call the question and end debate passes.  Motion to Table fails.  Motion to Pass Resolution 22-06-03 passes with Claypool, Holden, Johnson,  Malainey and Petruziello voting no.  


d. Resolution 22-06-04 Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Linkages Grant Allocation for SFY 2023.  Motion to pass and Resolution passes unanimously. 


e.Resolution 22-06-05.  Problem Gambling and Addiction Services Allocation.  Mr. Petruziello wants to point out that if we did not have gambling in the State of Ohio we would not have gambling addiction.  Resolution passed unanimously.  


f. Financial Reports.    Through May, they have spent 75.2% of the office budget and will have approximately $110-120k left over which will be rolled back into unencumbered funds due to salaries from vacant positions.  No expenses in the Community Education Budget in May.  County’s Calendar Budget – they have spent about $2.75 million for the month of May.  Auditor’s Fund Balance, including new resolutions just passed, is at just over $4 million for May. House Recap 671-expenses about $269,000 for May.   


VII. Old Business.  John McClandritch, an attorney from their insurance company, has said they must determine in open session who will attend mediation scheduled for June 29th at 10 a.m.  Observer Note:  This mediation is between members of the Board and Jim Adams, the Executive Director placed on leave by the Board.   Attorney wants attendees who are of the same mind.  Dr. Jensen received an email from the Prosecutor’s office stating that the Board should not discuss this at all.  Concern expressed by several Board members as to why they were not informed of the email.  Dr. Jensen stated that she had requested materials sent to the Prosecutor because some of those were inaccurate.  The Chair stated that their insurance counsel is handling this and she was told exactly what to say in open session.  She also reiterated that views of those attending mediation should represent a majority of the Board so there is no infighting that might prevent the Board from making a decision.  Mr. O’Brien stated that he would not attend a mediation until he and other Board members had an opportunity to meet with their attorney; otherwise the mediation is a waste of time.  They need to know what any resolution might look like.  Suggestions for attendees included the Chair, Mr. O’Brien, Mr. Holden, and Dr. Jensen.  Dr. Jensen stated that before mediation it would be necessary to address inaccurate information received by the Board that may have led them to certain actions.  The Chair agreed to set up a meeting between the Board and their attorney.   


Mr. Claypool suggested Ms. Chokshi, Mr. Holden, Mr. O’brien, and Ms. Malainey.  Mr. O’Brien stated that he believes there should be 2 county appointees, and 2 state appointees.  Mr. Claypool objects to Dr. Jensen, not for personal reasons, but she is “regularly disruptive and not a team player” and mediation requires a unified front.  She is a disruptive person.  Dr. Jensen stated that at the last meeting she was not the one being disruptive.  Dr. Jensen feels that there need to be some people at the mediation who have looked at all the facts as some of them were not accurate.  Mr. O’Brien stated that he “takes great umbrage” at Mr. Claypool’s making personal attacks at people on the Board, and he does it a lot and that Mr. Claypool is very hypocritical when he does it.  It makes “his blood boil.”  He thinks Dr. Jensen would be a good addition.  But at the end nothing would be resolved without all the Board members voting.  Chair Malainey stated that Dr. Jensen does not take directives well so maybe she is not a good person to be present at mediation.   

Mr. Petruziello is concerned why Susan in the Prosecutor’s office would send an email to Dr. Jensen and not communicate with the remainder of the Board.  Dr. Jensen stated that she was asked about the different views on the Board.   


Mr. Claypool says he takes umbrage at what Mr. O’Brien said and he acknowledges that he can be a “disruptive force” but he has “every right to speak out” and does not dislike Dr. Jensen.  This is about mediation and he thinks it is necessary to have a unified mind.  Mr. Oluic stated that he believes they need to have balance.  Chair Malainey stated that she “cannot sit in a room with certain people'' so she is asking the Board to reconsider that.  Mr. O’Brien stated he wanted to address the issue of social media posts from “Beekeeper Mike,” (Note: Beekeeper Mike is the Chair’s husband) about the altercation at the last Board meeting with Mr. Fay.  Mr. O’Brien stated that Ms. Malainey had made an accusation against Mr. Fay (Note: Ms. Malainey stated at the May meeting that Mr. Fay had his hands clenched in his pockets and that she felt threatened), a man who has never raised his voice to anyone and who is a person Mr. O’Brien has known for 20 years.  Mr. O’Brien stated he found this “unbelievable” and her insistence on having a police officer present at the meeting is irrational when he could be out serving the public and it is wasteful.  Ms. Malainey stated that she is a member of the public and the sheriff is protecting her.  Mr. O’Brien stated that he would recommend Mr. Fay be at the mediation because he is a “rational voice.” Ms. Malainey said “I am fine with that because I can work out the details behind the scenes for myself.”   


Motion to allow Malainey, O’Brien, Mr. Holden, Ms. Chokshi, and Mr. Fay.  Mr. Claypool asked whether the names could be revised after they vote.  Ms. Malainey said the attorney needed the names by Friday, June 17.  The Chair agreed to tell the attorney that the list was tentative.  Motion for those individuals to attend passes unanimously.   


VIII. New Business – Nominating Committee Report – Proposed SFY2023 Slate of Officers 

Mr. Claypool, nominating chair, states that he was out of the country when he was advised that this needed to move forward.  Asked members of the committee for a date, and did not receive a response.  He believes that the annual meeting should be moved to July to get through the challenges the Board is facing.  Ms. Chokshi advised that the By Laws state that the time frame requires that new officers be in place by June 30.  Board has not followed the time frame, or put a notice in the paper.  Instead, the current meeting would be an appropriate time to vote on new officers without violating the By Laws.  Ms. Johnson really needs to think through this and would like to wait until July so the nominating committee can meet.  Ms. Bagley stated that officers are done at the end of June and wants open nominations.  And Ms. Bagley would like to nominate Mr. Oluic as Chair, Ms. Miller as vice chair, Mr. Petruziello as Treasurer, and Ms. Chokshi as Secretary.  Discussion had about By Laws and ability to move the date. 


Ms. Malainey agreed to accept nominations from the floor.  Both she and Mr. Oluic were nominated for Chair.  Ms. Miller and Mr. Claypool nominated for vice chair.  Ms. Chokshi and Ms. Johnson nominated for Secretary, and Mr. Petruziello and Mr. Holden nominated for Treasurer.  Votes were taken and Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary were split 8-6 with Mr. Oluic, Ms. Miller and Ms. Chokshi voted in respectively for the year beginning July 1, 2022.   Mr. Petruziello was voted in as Treasurer with three votes for Mr. Holden.   


IX.  Discussion items – Ms. Joy Black from Emerald Woods appeared to relate about housing and services they provide for the individuals with special needs as well as those with mental health needs.  They have 3 homes with both elderly and individuals with mental health needs, as well as a 16 bed group home in Chesterland.  They also have 6 beds at Metzenbaum.  At the conclusion of Ms. Black’s presentation, Dr. Jensen left the meeting 


X. Executive Session - Chair called the Board into Executive Session to consider the employment and/or appointment of a public employee pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1).  After approximately one hour, the Board reconvened at 9:15 p.m. and unanimously voted to appoint Leila Vidmar (sp?) as the new Interim Director on a part-time basis for an as yet undetermined period.   


Adjournment: Board Adjourned at 9:17. 

Special Board Meeting: June 21,2022 at 6pm; Executive Session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, or demotion of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges of complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual pursuant to ORC Section 121.22(G)(1).

Additional Information available here:

Minutes available here:

Observer:  Aimee Gilman

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Editor:  Betsy Kubbins

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League of Women Voters of Geauga