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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps



Geauga’s Withdrawal from Joint Portage-Geauga 

Juvenile Detention Center Hits a Snag

Board of County Commissioners - July 30, 2024 

Meeting Details:
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met at 9:30 am on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH. The meetings are in-person only, and there are no recordings for the public.  An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners’ Clerk and at the meeting.

Public Comment Policy:
Observer Comment: Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri announced at the end of the April 4, 2023 meeting that public comment would be permitted and that a more formal policy would be forthcoming.  There was no formal policy introduced today, but public comment was permitted. 

Present were Commissioners James Dvorak and Timothy Lennon.  Mr.  Spidalieri was absent. Also present were County Administrator Gerry Morgan, Assistant County Administrator Linda Burhenne, Finance Manager Adrian Gorton, and Commissioners' Clerk Christine Blair. 

County Representatives: 
Jessica Boalt, Director, Department on Aging; Rudy Breunig, Head of Transportation, Department on Aging; Kelly Bidlack, Human Resource Specialist; Shane Hajjar, Engineer’s Office.

Others in Attendance:
Adam Litke, Administrator, Geauga Public Health; Carolyn Brakey, County Commissioner Candidate and Geauga Public Health Board member; Auditor Chuck Walder; Tom Jones, Diane Jones, other members of the public, the press and this LWV observer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a prayer was offered by Mr. Dvorak.

inutes: There were no minutes submitted for approval. Observer Comment: Weekly LWVG Observer Reports for BOCC are available online through July 30, 2024, for informational purposes but are not substitutes for approved minutes.  Approved BOCC Minutes are posted online here through May 21, 2024.

Administrator’s Report

Mr. Morgan concurred with the Bainbridge Trustees on not requesting a hearing on the request for a liquor license by Stakort Inc dba Sports Page Bar and Patio located at 17800 Chillicothe Rd., Bainbridge.

Financial Report

Mr. Gorton received approval for the following (no dollar amounts provided):

  • Cash transfer 

    • From General Fund to Family First Council for the July-September 2024 commitment.  Reviewer Note:  This agreement was approved at the last BOCC meeting, see LWVG Observer Report for the July 23, 2024 BOCC Meeting for more information.

    • From General Fund to Sheriff’s Office for 911 and 800 communication funds

  • Travel for Job and Family Services and Probate Court


  • $453,727.06 from Commissioner’s Office to Infinity Construction Company for pay request #10 for the Court House expansion project

  • $783,822.75 from Engineer’s Office to Ronyak Paving Inc for asphalt resurfacing of portions of Munn Rd and Wilson Mills Rd.

  • $58,544.00 from Maintenance to Junction Auto Sales for a 2023 Box Truck

The County Engineer’s Office received approval  to authorize James W. Dvorak, member and Chief Executive Officer, to execute the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC), Appendix E – Disbursement Request Form and Certification #1 in order to release funds from the State portion of the County’s OPWC grant for the Claridon-Troy Road Resurfacing (Sections D-E) in Burton and Claridon Townships in the amount of $250,000.00.

The Department on Aging
received approval for the following:

  • Hiring for the position of Full-time Recreation and Education Assistant (#1005) to be effective August 19, 2024 at the rate of $16.84 per hour with a one-year probationary period. 

  • Hiring for the position of Full-time Recreation and Education Assistant (#1005) to be effective August 19, 2024 at the rate of $16.84 per hour with a one-year probationary period. Reviewer Note: There were two hirings listed for the Full-time Recreation and Education Assistant (#1005) position in th BOCC meeting agenda.   

  • To authorize the Vice President of the Board to execute the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging, Modification of 2024 Purchase of Service Agreement for Older Americans Act/Senior Community Services for an increase in Transportation IIIB funds of $37,400.00 (385 units) for a revised total contract award of $605,400.00.

  • To increase the number of Full-time Transportation Drivers (#1020) from three (3) to five (5) Drivers, and further update the organizational chart to reflect this change, to be effective July 30, 2024.

  • To advertise for two (2) Full-time Transportation Drivers (#1020). These positions will remain posted until filled.

The Commissioners’ Office approved the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy Tablet S9 FE to be utilized in employee training of the Geauga County Employee Wellness Program in the amount of $404.16.  This will be paid for using CEBCO Wellness Program Grant Funds.

The Commissioners’ Office
approved and executed Resolution #24-144 Approving the use of ARPA Standard Allowance Funds and Authorizing the Establishment of the Necessary Payroll Accounts within the ARPA Fund.

The Commissioners’ Office
approved the Board to appoint Mark Dinishak as County Apiarist for the remainder of 2024 and further approve and execute the 2024 Ohio Department of Agriculture Appointment for County Apiary Inspector Form to be effective July 30, 2024 at an hourly rate of $13.00 per hour and a mileage reimbursement rate of $0.67 cents per mile.

The Commissioners’ Office
approved the Board to execute a memo to Elected Officials and Department Directors regarding the Bicentennial Bell Building during the Great Geauga County Fair, August 29, 2024 through September 2, 2024.

Not on the Agenda

  • Portage-Geauga Juvenile Detention Center

Mr. Morgan stated that he received a letter from Portage County to inform Geauga County that they have hired outside legal counsel to deal with the issue of Geauga County pulling out of the joint Portage-Geauga Juvenile Detention Center. Reviewer Note: Please see the May 21, 2024 BOCC Observer Report for background information on this matter. The Geauga County Prosecutor’s Office has informed Mr. Morgan that everything regarding this issue should now go through the Prosecutor’s Office and that the Commissioners  should not have any discussion going forward with Portage County regarding this issue.

Mr. Morgan suggested that the Commissioners pass a resolution to extend the deadline for the Detention Center pull out, as the current date was July 31, 2024. He stated that he had not had any communication with the Prosecutor's Office on this matter but suggested that they extend the deadline to August 15, 2024.  The Commissioners passed a resolution for a new deadline of August 15, 2024.

  • BOCC Work Session at Fairgrounds

Ms. Blair stated that she had received a request from the Geauga County Fair Board. They would like to schedule a work session at the fairgrounds. She suggested that they meet with the Fair Board at the next meeting. It was agreed that the regular Commissioners’ meeting will take place as planned. They will then recess and go to the Fairgrounds for the work session.

Mr. Dvorak asked if they were going to have their regularly scheduled meeting at the Fairgrounds during the Fair. There was discussion but nothing resolved. 
Observer Note: Much of this discussion was inaudible. Reviewer Note:  The Agenda for the August 6, 2024 BOCC meeting states that the Tuesday, August 27 Regular meeting will be canceled and established Thursday August 29th at 10:00 am as the regularly scheduled meeting for the week.  Details will be verified after the August 6th meeting.

Public Comment:

Diane Jones asked for clarification regarding the Portage County detention center issue. Mr. Morgan confirmed what was discussed earlier.

Mrs. Jones stated that, at a previous meeting, Mr. Morgan was asked for a total of the courthouse expansion overruns, and she asked if those numbers were now available. He had stated that he would provide those numbers later. He said that he does not have those numbers at this time but is looking to finalize them.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am

More Information and Posted Minutes:
Available here.

Next Regular Meeting of the BOCC:
The next meeting following this meeting will be August 6, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH.  

Observer: Mary Heintzelman

Editor: Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 8/5/2024

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga