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Chardon Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Chardon Board of Education – 5/20/2024 

Meeting Details:
Meetings are held at the Chardon Board of Education building adjacent to the Chardon Middle School at 428 North Street, Chardon. Here is the link to the available Meeting Agendas and Minutes.  Click on the meetings tab on the right to access the Agendas and Minutes. Board meeting videos are also available through Chardon Geauga TV (GTV). Topics discussed will be noted by the time that they appear in the GTV video for easy reference.

Board President Karen Blakenship, Board Members Andrea Clark and James Midyette 

Not Present:
Vice President Todd Albright and C.J. Paterniti

Staff Attendance:
Superintendent Dr. Michael Hanlon, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Ed Klein, Treasurer Deb Armbruster, Chardon High School (CHS) Principal Adam Tomco, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs Steven Kofol

2:09 min Adoption of Agenda -
All Approved

2:33 min The Pledge of Allegiance
was led by 1st grade Park Elementary student, Parker Miley, and a certificate was presented. 

3:32 min Mission Statement -
Read by Dr. Hanlon

3:42 min Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items:
No public comments.

Observer Note: In order to comment at Chardon Board of Education meetings, members of the public must sign up to do so before the meeting starts. There are two opportunities for public comment. The first one is on Agenda items, and the second one is not restricted to the Agenda.

3:47 min Consent Agenda:

  • Approval of Minutes (04/15/2024) - All Approved

  • Approval of Warrant List (checks) Report - All Approved

  • Approval of Approval of 5-Year Renewal with Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) for the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Program - All Approved

  • Approval of Public School Works Agreement - All Approved

  • Approval of Student Service Agreements with Re-Education Services, Inc. - All Approved

  • Approval of 2024-25 Insurance Proposal with Love Insurance Agency - All Approved

  • Approval of 2024-25 Cyber Insurance Proposal with Travelers Insurance - All Approved

  • Consent Agenda Approval - All Approved

5:25 min Chardon High School Student Liaison Report -  no report

5:42 min Superintendent’s Report and Recommendations  

Dr. Hanlon began with recognitions of several students for their outstanding accomplishments. Alex Brooker, Will Brooker, and Austin Clute were recognized for receiving the highest achievement in Boy Scouts, Eagle Scout. Each student was provided the opportunity to discuss their project. Alex Brooker described assisting with conservation efforts and building a nesting space for Chimney Swifts. Will Brooker talked about building a Little Free Library near historic South Newbury Union Chapel made to look like the chapel itself. Austin Clute discussed his project, revamping the outdoor worship space at Chardon United Methodist Church. The Science Olympiad Division B (DIV-B) team had 18 members and was recognized for coming in 14th overall in the State Tournament as well as 1st place in Meteorology and several other medals. Team members include: Elijah Badovick, Addison Fabian, Daniel Flamm, Joshua Flamm, Ryan Furjanic, Ava Galhotra, Nathan Germovsek, Gannon Gooding, Ben Majetich, Tyler McCummins, Sam Monkiewicz, Will Monkiewicz, Cayden Sapp, Colby Sapp, Ben Tournas, James Wroblewski, Thomas Wroblewski, and Jordan Zingale (alternate, 5th-grade). Teacher and Science Olympiad Coach Mr. Gordon Burgess stated that he is not the head coach of DIV-B (the head coach of DIV-B is Emily Tusick) but that he has the pleasure of working alongside them on various subjects. Mr. Burgess stated that it has been a delight to watch the team grow this past year as well as to watch the team members help each other. Mr. Burgess stated that the entire team is coming back next year and will be even stronger. Mr. Burgess thanked one of the team members, 4th grader Ava Galhotra, for doing her own epidemiological study and forcing him to teach in a different way. Next, the Science Olympiad DIV-C team was recognized for placing 7th overall in State. DIV-C members include: Noah Badovick (coaching assistant), Chelsea Stanish (team captain), Caden Bednar, Cassie Bright, Seianna Coon, Oliver Croyle, Sadie Kuhnle, Morghan Kuzma, Jake Majetich, Quin McClain, Hayleigh McCummins, Alex Monkiewicz, Jillian Morrison, Connor Norton, Tim Wilder, and Timmy Walsh (alternate). Mr. Burgess again recognized the hard work of the students and how they have helped one another along the way. Mr. Burgess noted the hard work each student does individually with their coaches as well as together to make these achievements possible. Mr. Burgess stated that Science Olympiad is also a great way for kids that are homeschooled to collaborate with other students. 

Dr. Hanlon reported on
House Bill (HB)250 and how it will impact Chardon School District (CDS). Dr. Hanlon stated that this is not a ban on cell phones but does require schools to have a cell phone policy. Dr. Hanlon stated that the CSD already has a policy that meets the state's requirement and limits cell phone use during school hours. Dr. Hanlon stated that cell phones in the hands of students is a reality and here to stay, and he feels the responsibility of the schools is to educate students on safe and proper use. 

29:38 min
Dr. Hanlon gave several updates on construction around the district. Dr. Hanlon stated that all permits are in place for the security vestibule and work will begin soon. Dr. Hanlon stated that the timeline for the project is aggressive as they hope to finish by the start of the next school year. Dr. Hanlon stated that the City Planning Commission is waiting on the completion of a traffic impact study prior to approving the Transportation Complex. Dr. Hanlon stated that clean up and demo of the site is allowed and work on that will begin soon, but that no new construction will be taking place at the site until it is approved by the City Planning Commission. Finally, Dr. Hanlon reported on the Chardon Early Learning Center (CELC) gutter replacement project. Dr. Hanon stated that there will be a full replacement of the gutters and that Millstone Management Group was able to provide a quote for the work that was significantly lower than other quotes they have received. 

Dr. Hanlon recognized and congratulated the Chardon Class of 2024 and stated that the commencement is planned to take place on May 25th. 

35:30 min Administrative, Certified/Licensed, Classified, Supplemental, and Non-Contractual Personnel and Compensation -
All Approved

Discussion: Dr. Hanlon paused to acknowledge the Board's approval of Adam Tomco for CHS Principal. Dr. Hanlon recognized Mr. Tomco for taking multiple leadership positions through his tenure which he stated speaks to his versatility and willingness to take on challenges in the school district. Mr. Tomco spoke from the audience thanking both Dr. Hanlon and Dr. Klein for the opportunity. Mr. Tomco stated that he has held 4 leadership positions in his 7 years with the school district. 

38:26 min Approval of Resolution 2024-10: Reduction in Force
- All Approved

Discussion: Mrs. Clark asked if this was due to enrollment and demand. Dr. Hanlon stated that the change is being made due to course demands and staffing levels which they look at every year. 

40:18 min Approval of Last Chance Agreement with Stewart Landies
- All Approved

40:48 min Approval of Amendment to the MOU to Extend the Employee Severance Plan for Allen Herner
- All Approved

41:16 min Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to CHS Planning Time 2024-25 -
All Approved

41:51 min Approval of Addendum to 2023-24 Educational Service Center of Western Reserve (ESCWR) Agreement for Kelly Moran
- All Approved

42:35 min Approval of Revised Program of Studies for CHS for the 2024-25 School Year
- All Approved

Discussion: Dr. Hanlon stated that the program of study was already approved at an earlier meeting, and this motion is just an additional clean up for minor issues. Mrs. Clark stated that she noticed the change from unweighted to weighted grades in the document. Mrs. Clark asked if the new GPA rankings would be based off of the new weighted grades? Dr. Klein stated that yes, unweighted grades are still in effect for last year and they will be able to adjust past grades as well as GPA rankings to reflect the switch to weighted grades. Dr. Klein added that the Honors System is still based on weighted grades. 

44:55 min Approval of Preschool Curriculum for the 2024-25 School Year
- All Approved

Discussion: Mrs. Blankenship stated that she was on the committee for the curriculum development and she also has 4 tiny toppers in her family; she said she is “very excited” about this curriculum. 

45:54 min Approval of College Credit Plus between Chardon Schools and Southeastern University
- All Approved

Discussion: Mr. Midyette asked why the Board contracts with specific universities like Southeastern University? Dr. Hanlon stated that students choose different schools depending on their preference and the Board must have a formal agreement with that university to access state funding. 

47:42 min Approval of Chardon Early Learning Center (CELC) Gutter Replacement Proposal with Millstone Management Group
- All Approved

49:11 min Approval of CHS Security Entrance Proposal with Millstone Management Group
- All Approved

Discussion: Mrs. Clark stated that she noticed that certain line items like keys were crossed off of the budget. Mrs. Clark asked if the high school would be piggybacking on the new entry system that was implemented at the middle school? Mr. Kofol stated that yes, the high school would be utilizing the new system implemented at the middle school, but that this one would be a bit different in that they are implementing an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp as well. Mr. Midyette asked if there would also be additional doors added during the project? Dr. Hanlon stated that yes, there will be additional doors added and a security vestibule that visitors can enter to drop off items without entering the school completely. Dr. Hanlon reiterated that the plan is to be aggressive with the timeline to have the project completed by the beginning of the new school year. Ms. Clark asked if there was a back-up plan for if the project was not completed on time? Dr. Hanlon stated that they are hoping to complete the project on time.  

52:56 min Approval of Transportation Facility Proposal with Millstone Management Group
- All Approved

Discussion: Dr. Hanlon stated that a lot goes into preparing the site for future construction, including removing 18 inches of soil across the entire site and replacing it. Mrs. Clark asked if, once the preparation is complete, they can then move buses onto the property? Dr. Hanlon stated that no new construction would take place on the site without the approval of the City Planning Commision and the approval of the City on the construction plan. Dr. Hanlon stated that, if next year at this time the Board is discussing moving buses onto the property, they will be on schedule. 

56:55 mins Treasurer Report/ CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Report and Recommendations -
Ms. Armbruster gave the CFO report for April 2024. Ms. Armbruster reported that with the end of the fiscal year approaching they have balanced the books and found every cent. Ms. Armbruster reported that the cash balance on 4/30/2024 was $38,583,794.48. Ms. Armbruster reported that tonight they will “true-up” the forecast to total and they are within zero of the forecast; actuals compared to forecast show a $10 favorable impact on the cash balance versus the forecast. Ms. Armbruster reported that they have $2.4 million open in purchase orders, but they are doing a lot of work including enhancing all kitchens among other things. Ms. Armbruster reported that district True Days are at 178.03, revenue is at $834,355, and the expenditures for April are $3,108,472.

Observer Note: A link to the FInancial Report can be found in the Agenda and also
here. For more of the discussion, see the point on the video noted above.

1:08:59 min Donations -
All Approved

Discussion: Ms. Armbruster stated that there were many donations this time around. Mrs. Blankenship thanked all of the donors and stated that the donations have been much appreciated. Ms. Armbruster gave a special thank you to Bill Jackson for his donations and time compiling and writing a historical book about Chardon. 

1:11:24 min  Equipment Disposal -
All Approved 

1:12:12 min Then and Now Certificates
- All Approved

Discussion: Ms. Armbruster stated that there are two Then and Now certificates. Ms. Armbruster stated that the money for these purchases was moved into a different account as they cleaned things up at the end of the year. Ms. Armbruster stated that the invoices for the bills came in after the money was moved causing the need for the Then and Now statements to be approved.  

1:13:18  min
- Five-Year Forecast

Ms. Armbruster presented the five-year forecast which can also be found
here. Ms. Armbruster presented the forecast methodology and plan to continue communication, collaboration, and analytics with key stakeholders to develop a close to actual projection or revenue and expenditures. Ms. Armbruster stated that they will also continue to capitalize on grants and additional funding to relieve the General Fund when possible. Ms. Armbruster stated that the 5-year forecast is an estimate that uses assumptions of variables not yet known and represents only the General Fund of the district. Ms. Armbruster reported that the November 2023 to May 2024 estimates are very close with ending cash balances at $23,331,429 and $23,406,366 respectively. Ms. Armbruster stated that revenue came in more than expected by $753,739 and the expenditures exceeded the November forecast by -$678,802 due to the high school window and stadium lighting projects. Ms. Armbruster stated that they do anticipate that total compensation (salaries and benefits) will continue to rise from 2023 through 2028 resulting in the percentage of expenditures dedicated to these to rise as well from 75.5% of the total expenditures to 79.2% respectively. Ms. Armbruster stated that the capital outlay shows larger expenses in 2023-2025 due to the many larger projects the district has taken on; these expenses are expected to reduce drastically from 2026-2028. Ms. Armbruster stated that the district is projected to spend $5,590,007 more than its revenue in Fiscal Year 2028, and the cash balance is projected to be $4,631,563. Ms. Armbruster stated that a levy would likely need to be considered in the calendar year 2027. Additional documents pertaining to the five-year forecast can be found here

1:40:48 min Final Appropriations Measure
-All Approved

Discussion: Ms. Armbruster commented that there is no change in revenue, just a change for the additional spending for the high school window project. Multiple board members commented on the number of projects. 

1:43:53 min Budget and Purpose Statements 2025
- All Approved

1:44:12 min Approval of Resolution 2024-11: Establishing Capital Projects Fund 070
- All Approved

1:45:05 min Board of Education Reports and Recommendations 

  1. Chardon Schools Foundation Report, Mrs. Clark - Mrs. Clark stated that the last meeting was in April and the discussion was around the reduction in grant requests and why that is happening.  Mrs. Clark stated that they are planning to look into scholarships for next year. 

  2. Legislative Liaison Report, Mr. Albright - No Report

  3. Student/Staff Liaison Report, Mr. Midyette - Mr. Midyette provided the Student Staff Liaison Report which can be viewed here. Mr. Midyette reported that this year's Superintendent Award went to the Geauga County Public Library for enhancing the quality of the Chardon School District. Mr. Midyette  stated that the district was the recipient of 5 Ohio School Public Relations Association (OHSPRA) Achievement Awards in social media for the district Facebook and Instagram accounts, writing for the district web news article, and the e-news letters Topper Talk and Hilltopper Happenings. Mr. Midyette stated that the district hosted a parent information night on “Unlocking the Power of AI” with Char Shryock, technology integration specialist and author. Mr. Midyette stated that the 3rd Annual Careers on Wheels event for grades 1-3 was a success. Mr. Midyette discussed the 3rd grade Wax Museum event and shared pictures of the students. Mr. Midyette  discussed the annual fishing event at Walter C. Best park and the Binocular Blitz at the Rookery.  Finally, Mr. Midyette closed with appreciation of 9 retiring staff members: Kim Butala, Ron Cole, Daniel Dinko, Leigh Ann Ferguson, Kathy Foglio, Bob Francis, Cheryl Gualdoni, Rita Richardson, and Suzanne Stewart. 


Discussion: Mrs. Blankenship nominated Todd Albright to Auburn Career Board, all approved. 

2:00:56 min New Business -

2:01:04 min Hearing of the Public on Non-Agenda Items -

2:01:12 min Recess to Executive Session conferences with an attorney which are the subject of disputes.

Announced that there would be no action following the Executive Session.


agendas and minutes are available online.

Next regular meeting
is scheduled for June 17th, 2024.

Observer: Jessica Martin 

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date submitted: 6/10/2024

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga