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West Geauga Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

West Geauga Board of Education Regular Board Meeting with Executive Session - 5/20/2024 

Meeting Details: The West Geauga Board of Education met on May 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township. Meetings are open to the public and media. The meeting agenda and minutes are available online. Look for the Meeting tab in the right

hand corner. Pick the meeting you want to review and then click on “Agenda.” A video recording is

available here. The report notes the minute mark where each topic is discussed.

Board Attendance:

  • Christina Sherwood, President

  • Dr. William Beers, Vice President

  • Pam Claypool 

  • Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh

  • Kathy Leavenworth

Staff Attendance:

  • Richard A. Markwardt, Ph.D., Superintendent

  • Karen Pavlat, Treasurer

Other Attendees:

  • Amy Davis, Director of Pupil Personnel

  • Megan Bellan, Principal of West Geauga Middle School

  • Mrs. Carri Morgano, Gifted Coordinator

  • Ms. Julie Moeschberger, Asst. Principal High School

  • Mrs. Melody Coniglio, Director of Transportation

  • Other unidentified members of the public

  • Retirees recognized (see below)

  • Students recognized (see below)

  • Two LWV Observers

Call to Order - The meeting was called to order, roll call was conducted, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

1.27 Min.  Program Reports & Presentations: 

Spring NOETIC Learning Math Competition
, Recognition by Mrs. Morgano

The 7 West Geauga students that achieved Top 10% NOETIC National Honor Roll were: 

3rd graders - Alexander Cullis, Colm Dugan, Cole Wirick

4th graders - Zachary Gracon, Julia Yutzy

5th grader - Aedan Davidson

6th grader - Freeland Kazimir Southard

Scripps National Spelling Bee Recognition
by Mrs. Bellan - Student Darren Prince Wright was recognized and it was stated that he will be going on to the National Competition.

Presidential Scholar Recognition
by Ms. Moeschberger - Student Andrew Elias was recognized.

National Robotics Winners Recognition
by Mrs. Bellan

Eighth graders Mandi Petonic, Lena Wright, Molly Moidell and Janna Winningham were recognized for their participation and for winning the National Robotics Contest.  Their volunteer advisors, Jeff and Adrienne La Favre, were also recognized.

16.40 Min. Staff Retirement Recognition - the following were recognized:

David Callahan (29 years) teaching Business and in Guidance

Linda Patterniti (31 years) - Aide

Rick Schultz (37 years) - Custodian I

23 Min. Transportation Presentation - Mrs. Coniglio

Mrs. Coniglio talked about their efforts to recruit more bus drivers in a presentation found here.  She said that they would like to hire 5 or 6 candidates so that they can meet their goal of bus rides of less than one hour.  There will be an open house and an opportunity to get behind the wheel on June 1st from 9:00 -11:00 am at the Bus Test Drive Event.

Ms. Claypool suggested trying to align with veterans and Mrs. Coniglio said she would follow up on that idea.

33.32 Min. Presentation by Treasurer/CFO Ms. Pavlat; Five-Year Forecast Update

This entire presentation is available here

Forecast Overview: 

➢ Tax Year 2023 (CY 2024 Collection) was a six-year revaluation year with an estimated 32% increase in property valuations.

➢ $3.7M emergency levy suspended $1M to be collected on for TY 2023 with collections in CY 2024 for 1 year due to the 2023 revaluation.

➢ $2.35M emergency levy suspended for the Tax Year 2024 collected in CY 2025 for 1 year. Reviewer Note: West Geauga’s $2.35M emergency levy was suspended by the Budget Commission due to its finding that the district was no longer in a state of financial emergency. More details are available in the February 28, 2024 Budget Commission Observer Report.

➢ State payments accounted for one quarter of the District’s revenues.

➢ Transfer of $6M for Middle School renovations and stadium turf replacement.

➢ Revenues are expected to grow 4.9% for the forecast while expenditures increase by 6.2%. The Board transfers will create deficit spending beginning in FY24 (Line 6.01).

➢ WGEA (West Geauga Educational Association) bargaining unit agreement approved through FY 2027. OAPSE (Ohio Association of Public School Employees)is currently in negotiations.

➢ Cash balances are projected to be positive through June 30, 2028.

Key Revenue Assumptions

➢Property taxes will increase 12% in FY24 and 4.8% in FY 25 due to 2023 revaluation and suspended tax levies in 2024 and 2025.

➢ PUPP (Public Utility Personal Property) revenue increased $1.2M due to collection of delinquent utility account in FY 24. The revenue returns to normal levels in FY25.

➢HB33 increased funding for FY24 & FY25 for transportation. Observer Note:  See compliance rules for HB33.

➢Interest income reduced in FY 25 forward due to transfer of $6M to the Capital Project Fund with rates expected to lower starting in 4th quarter of 2024.

➢ Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform actions could impact the 20 mill floor and future reappraisals.

➢ Emergency levies expire in TY 2027 & TY 2030 and must be renewed or substituted to stay viable.

Revenue vs Expenses

➢ FY21 shows spikes from consolidating Newbury’s ending cash balance, revenue and expenses.

➢ Expenditures exceed revenues beginning in FY24.

➢ $3.7M Emergency Levy needs to be renewed

Main Action At This Point

 ➢Monitor any new property tax reform and state funding changes.

 ➢Manage expenditures and budget in line with future resources and levy needs.

 ➢Manage Capital Projects and future fund transfers.

 ➢Finance Master Facilities – bonds vs. USDA loan (both require levy vote).

Other points:

  • Cash balance policy is to maintain a six-month cash balance.  If it goes below that to 4 months, this would trigger Board attention.

  • West Geauga is at the 20 mill floor.  If West Geauga gets taken off the 20 mill floor, that would be significant.  Observer Note:  See explanation of the 20 mill floor here by Auditor Charles Walder. 

  • Financing the Master Plan facilities work - Both a bond and a USDA loan will require a levy.  They are continuing to look at both options, although Ms. Pavlat stated that it doesn’t look like the USDA loan would fully fund the required work.

There were no questions and no discussion

54.14 Min. Public Remarks - An individual asked “Where is Mr. Kish?”  She referred to him as being at Westwood until recently and said that he had greeted every student and ensured that every student got on the right bus at the end of the day.  She stated that “Jim Kish did not fail.”  She urged the board to “Get Jim Kish back to Westwood.”  Observer Note:  There was no discussion of Mr. Kish, who is still listed as the Principal of Westwood Elementary School on the school website.  

59.13 Min. Routine Items: The Board approved April 2024 financial statements, minutes from the April 22th School Board meeting, and a Classified substitute list for the current school year. 

59.30 Min. Financial Resolutions: The following were approved unanimously:

  • 2024-05-136 Resolution to Approve Five Year Forecast Update - Full Five Year Forecast can be found at this link.

1: 0 Min. Personnel Resolutions - The following were approved unanimously:

  • There were resolutions to approve 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Supplemental and Certified contracts, staff appointments, limited appointments, and additional per diem payments.  See details here. 

  • New Hires introduced by Mrs. Davis were Elizabeth Horrigan (intervention specialist), Jillian Finkbeiner (Intervention Specialist), and Sandra Razzante (Grade 5).

  • Resolution to Award Continuing Contract Status to Certified Staff Members at Conclusion of 2023-2024 School Year - The Board agreed to a long-term commitment (similar to tenure) for these four staff members: Paula Wylie (Speech Pathologist), Jennifer Molnar (Math), Ashley Roch (Counseling at the High School) and Nicole Gerrick (Math).

  • Resolution to Accept Certified Staff Resignation from Julie Mell, who is moving back to California.

  • Two appointments were made for the position of bus driver: Anthony Maniglia and Cathy MacDonald. 

  • Three additional appointments were made:  Amy Timm (paraprofessional), Logan Schultz (Maintenance), and Catherine Canzona, (Custodian II)

  • The Board approved Classified Probationary Contracts and Classified Limited Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year.

  • Approval of the Appointment of Jade Regalado as a Human Resource Coordinator.

  • Resolution to Accept Classified Staff Retirement - Rick Schultz (Custodian I) and two Classified Staff Resignations for the 2023-2024 School Year.

  • In further actions, the Board approved the  Summer Programming Stipends, Supplemental Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year, Service Contracts for the 2023-2024 School Year,  and Unpaid Leaves of Absence e for the 2024-2025 School Year.

1:18 Min. Policy and Program Resolutions - The following were all approved unanimously:

  • Resolution to Approve to Make Provisional Changes to Board Policies and Administrative Guidelines and Forms to Comply with HB 33; It was stated that this involved changing the term for the Ohio Department of Education to Department of Education and Workforce as required by recent changes mandated by the Legislature.

  • Resolution to Approve the First Reading of New, Replaced, or Revised Board Policies: 5113.01, 5320, 5330, 6240, 6680, 7440, 8121, 8210, 8330 and 9160.  Mrs. Claypool asked about gift cards and Dr. Markwardt stated that they do not use gift cards.  It was also stated that the school had decided not to store Narcan at any school building but to call 911 in the case of an overdose.

  • Resolution to Approve the Annual Recurring Approval of Board Policies: 5111.01 and 5111.03 

  • Resolution to Revise Resolution restricting enrollment:  Dr. Markwardt stated, in response to Dr. Beers, that they are trying to restrict open enrollment at the Kindergarten level.  They have seven teachers now and it appears that sometimes these students do not continue after kindergarten.

1:25 Min. Business Resolutions - The following were approved unanimously:

  • Resolution to Approve the Agreement(s) Between Passcode to Parenting, LLC, and West Geauga Local School District for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Resolution to Approve the Agreement Between the KidsLink School, LLC, and West Geauga Local Schools beginning September 1, 2024, and ending August 31, 2025. 

  • Resolution to Approve the Agreement Between the Summit Educational Service Center Governing Board and West Geauga Local School District for the 2024-2025 School Year.

  • Resolution to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Ravenwood Mental Health Center, Inc., and West Geauga Local Schools for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

  • Resolution to Approve the Independent Contractor Agreement between Bright Futures Therapeutic Services, LLC, and West Geauga Local School District.

1:25.41 Min. Board Resolution:  Resolution to Approve Settlement and Agreement Approved. This settlement agreement agreement concerns the lawsuit filed by Brian Ames regarding an alleged Sunshine Law violation.  The full settlement amount was for $8,275.00, which also included court costs and attorney’s fees.

Discussion of New and Suggestions to be included on Future Agendas - no discussion

1:26 Min. Reports -

  • Superintendent Report:  Dr. Markwardt said that graduation would be on the field on May 29 with the rain day of May 30, 2024.  He also said that he would be sending an email to the Board members with a list of all the end of year events and invited all of them to attend.

  • Board Report: Mrs. Leavenworth reported that a former teacher at Lindsey Elementary had passed away and that she would provide more information when it becomes available.

1:29 Min.  Executive Session - Reasons provided for Executive Session were listed by Mrs. Sherwood as “personnel matters: appointments and/or employment and investigation of charges and/or complaints and negotiations”

2:31 Min.  Exit Executive Session (at 9:32 pm)

Reconvene into Regular Session

Board Actions -
The Board took several actions, which were related to two separate citizen complaints.  For each they voted to add the resolutions and actions to the Agenda.  Both resolutions were approved.

The first Resolution cites a complaint received by Jackie Greulich regarding discipline that she received while an employee.  The complaint was referred for appropriate criminal action, if any.

The Board determined that the complaints were not those that the Board could consider and dismissed the complaint.  

Mrs. Sherwood explained by way of summary that Ms. Geulich did not avail herself of any opportunities she had to protest the disciplinary action while she was an employee and therefore the board would not undertake an examination of those actions now.

Approved with Mrs. Claypool abstaining.

The second Resolution involved a complaint from Anthony Zaffiro regarding allegations asserted by a former employee (not Mr. Zaffiro).  The board concluded that Mr. Zaffiro was not directly adversely affected by these allegations and dismissed the Complaint.

Mrs. Claypool asked if the police had investigated.  Mrs. Sherwood said that the police found no criminal conduct and the Chester Police did not receive a complaint about anything involving the alleged issues.

Approved unanimously.

Motion to adjourn.

Next Meeting: 6/10/2024 at 7:00 pm in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 5/29/24

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga