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West Geauga Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

West Geauga Board of Education Regular Board Meeting with Executive Session - 4/22/2024 

Meeting Details: The West Geauga Board of Education met on April 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township. Meetings are open to the public and media. The meeting agenda and minutes are available online. Look for the Meeting tab in the right

hand corner. Pick the meeting you want to review and then click on “Agenda.” A video recording is

available here. The report notes the minute mark where each topic is discussed.

Board Attendance:

  • Christina Sherwood, President

  • Dr. William Beers, Vice President

  • Pam Claypool 

  • Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh

  • Kathy Leavenworth

Staff Attendance:

  • Richard A. Markwardt, Ph.D., Superintendent

  • Karen Pavlat, Treasurer

Other Attendees:

  • Dr. Nancy Benincasa, Assistant Superintendent

  • Amy Davis, Director of Pupil Personnel

  • Megan Bellan, Principal of West Geauga Middle School

  • Sarah Wisniewski, School Counselor

  • Sarah Perry, Parent of West Geauga Students

  • Samantha Weiskind, Vocal Music Teacher

  • Logan Schultz, Maintenance

  • Scott Amstutz, Director of Operations & Technology 

  • Ryan Patti, Principal of West Geauga High School

  • Jim Kish, Principal of Westwood Elementary School

  • Mr. Eric Johnson, District Legal Counsel

  • Other unidentified members of the public

  • This LWV Observer (virtually)

Call to Order - The meeting was called to order, roll call was conducted, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

1:07 Program Reports & Presentations: 

  • Dr. Benincasa and Mrs. Davis presented information about House Bill 123 (HB123; The SAVE Students Act) and Senate Bill 288 (SB288; Erin’s Law). Observer Note: Senate Bill 288 was mistakenly presented and referred to as House Bill 288 in the presentation and related materials. House Bill 288 deals with funding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs, and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); it is currently in committee in the Ohio House. Senate Bill 288 was passed by the Ohio Legislature and became effective in 2023; it made a number of safety-related changes to Ohio law. HB123 and SB288 are both recent pieces of legislation that focus on student safety. Dr. Benincasa reminded the Board that relevant staff have been working diligently and thoughtfully on the implementation of these new State mandated policies. 

  • Mrs. Davis used a powerpoint presentation to review the specifics of both policies. She began with HB123, detailing evidence-based suicide and violence prevention, as well as social inclusion programming for Middle and High School students. Mrs. Davis then presented information on SB288, which is a program to prevent child sexual abuse, dating violence, and sexual violence. 

  • Ms. Bellan, Middle School Principal, reviewed the nature of the training for staff who are tasked with delivering this sensitive information to students. Methods for parents and families to opt out of these programs were presented. Dr. Markwardt pointed out that Ms. Wisniewski, Guidance Counselor, was in attendance at the Board meeting.

7:47 Public Remarks - Sarah Perry, who recently moved to Chesterland and is a parent of two West Geauga students, spoke about the distance at which her children are dropped off by bus. She stated that the current limit is half of a mile for the remainder of the walk home, but one of her children is dropped off just over that limit. Mrs. Sherwood responded that the Board will record Ms. Perry’s email, reach out to the Director of Transportation, and will follow up at the next Board Meeting.

10:25 Routine Items: The Board approved March 2024 financial statements, minutes from the March 18th School Board meeting, and a certified substitute list for the current school year. 

11:03 Financial Resolutions: 

  • The Board approved resolutions to approve warrants for February 2024 (detailed check register can be found here), accept donations for One Minute Critic at Westwood Elementary, accept changes in Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations, establish a new fund for 2024 Capital Projects, and approve Student Activity Statement of Purpose and Budget for the current school year. 

  • Ms. Pavlat reviewed the details of the decrease in Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations, which included paying back part of the Emergency Levy. Mrs. Leavenworth and Ms. Pavlat clarified that the Emergency Levy is so named by the State, rather than the School District asking for emergency funds via a levy, which is a common point of confusion. 

  • Ms. Pavlat clarified the Capital Projects include new construction, including refurbishing the track and field.

14:19 Personnel Resolutions - The Board approved:

  • The staff appointment of Ms. Weiskind, Vocal Music Teacher for the Middle and High School, who was in attendance and was warmly introduced by Mrs. Davis.

  • Numerous personnel resolutions, including changes to contracts, per diems, and additional hours.

  • The staff appointment of Mr. Shultz in Maintenance, who was in attendance and was warmly introduced by Mr. Amstutz.

  • Numerous additional personnel resolutions including further staff appointments, staff contracts, retirement, changes in transportation routes, service contracts, non-renewals of substitute, supplemental, and service contracts, a chaperone for the Spring 2024 8th Grade trip to Washington DC, and a student internship assignment.

23:33 Policy and Program Resolutions - The Board approved the second reading and approval of New, Replaced, or Revised Board Policies. (All of the resolutions can be found online in the meeting area). 

24:02  Business Resolutions - The Board approved:

  • The Tentative Agreement of terms between The Board and the West Geauga Education Association. Dr. Markwardt expressed his gratitude for the Board and Teachers Union coming to a quick agreement.

  • A Service Agreement and Contract with Northeast Ohio Network for Educational Technology. Mrs. Claypool clarified that this is a five-year NeoNET contract.

  • An Agreement of Tuition with Crossroads Day Treatment Center. Ms. Pavlat paused the motion to clarify that this agreement pertains to the current school year. Dr. Beers asked about the service area of local ESCs. 

  • An Agreement and Service Contract with Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc., to repair the skylights at the High School. Mrs. Claypool asked for clarification on what was being repaired and replaced.

  • An Agreement and Service Contract with Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc., to replace the skylights at the Middle School, as per the proposal. Mrs. Claypool asked for more information about the bidding process for this type of contract. Dr. Markwardt provided clarity.

  • The purchase of a maintenance/bus garage truck from Valley Truck Centers. 

  • The purchase of maintenance utility vehicles per State Bid Pricing Guidelines.

  • The purchase of a Subscription Agreement with Raptor Technology. Dr. Beers asked for more information about the subscription. Mr. Amstutz provided clarity that Raptor Technology provides security services of scanning IDs for visitors and staff. Mrs. Sherwood asked if IDs would be cross-checked with any other databases and Mr. Amstutz confirmed the Sex [Offender] database would be utilized to flag individuals who are on it. Dr. Markwardt added that the system is used in several other local school districts and is “tried and true.”

30:25 Board Resolutions - The Board approved:

  • The donation of Newbury Local School District memorabilia to the Geauga County Historical Society and Century Village Museum. Dr. Markwardt explained that much of the material will remain with the West Geauga School District and will be displayed. Dr. Beers pointed out that some photographs and year books will be donated, and that the donated materials will be expertly cared for. Dr. Markwardt communicated appreciation on the part of the recipients toward Mr. Amstutz and his team for how they handled the transport of the donated materials.

  • Materials and resources in compliance with HB123 and SB288. Mrs. Claypool commented on the sensitive nature of the materials and recommended that parents watch all of the videos included in the program plan. Dr. Markwardt reiterated that there is an opt-out option included in the program and that the district welcomes parents to take advantage of that option. Dr. Beers expressed his preference for the way in which the West Geauga School District is handling the opt-out option in comparison to another local district, which made the option more involved for the parents. Dr. Beers added his support to the recommendation that parents review the videos and support materials. Dr. Markwardt thanked Dr. Benincasa and Mrs. Davis, as well as their team, for their thoughtful approach to the sensitive topics and materials involved in these new policies.

36:56 Discussion of New and Old Business and Suggestions to be Included on Future Agenda - Dr. Markwardt provided further updates on the development of the Theater Booster Club, which was first mentioned in the January 8, 2024 Board meeting. He mentioned the involvement of Ms. Weiskind, the new Vocal Music Teacher. 

38:07 Reports -

  • Superintendent Report: Dr. Markwardt drew attention to the Electronic District Newsletter that was distributed electronically on April 22, 2024. It is available to all West G parents and interested parties. He pointed out some highlights from the publication, including coverage of the district and people within it receiving multiple awards, details of current and ongoing renovations and projects, photos of performances and excursions, and descriptions of guest speakers.

  • 44:50 Board Report: Mrs. Leavenworth, who participated in the Trumbull-Geauga Earth Day Clean-Up, lauded the student-illustrated t-shirt design from the event. The shirt was designed by Janna Winningham, a West Geauga Middle School Student.

45:26  Executive Session - Reasons provided for Executive Session were listed by Mrs. Sherwood as “personnel matters: appointments and/or employment and investigation of charges and/or complaints and conference with legal counsel.” Invitees to the session included Mr. Patti, Mr. Kish, Dr. Benincasa, Dr. Markwardt, and Mr. Johnson.

2:31:31 Exit Executive Session - No action taken.  Motion to adjourn.

Next Meeting: 5/20/2024 at 7:00 pm

Observer: Dina Dean

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 5/1/24

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga